Having DMARC authentication is now the gold standard for email senders, wanting their emails to land in the inbox - particularly Gmail and Yahoo who are updating their requirements from 1st February 2024.
Read more about the wider Gmail and Yahoo sending requirements.
What is DMARC authentication and why is it important?
Domain alignment through DMARC is a security protocol policy that servers use to make sure emails are coming from a legitimate sender.
Alignment happens when the domain name in your email's "From" header matches the sender email domain. As a result, DMARC passes it, indicating that it was a legitimate email - this will satisfy the inbox providers and reach your customers.
DMARC domain alignment helps protect against spoofing, impersonation attacks, business email compromise, and phishing.
We recommend configuring your DMARC policy to at least “p=none” on your root domain.
DMARC Authentication Tools
There are plenty of third-party tools that already exist to help set up and manage your DMARC authentication, for example;
How to set up and apply your DMARC record
- Visit a free platform like DMARCian above
- Check your domain status
- Generate a valid DMARC record - ensure your Policy (p) is set to "Reject" (p=reject)
- Update your DNS settings with your domain host (GoDaddy, 123Reg, etc)
- Check the status of your DMARC record
