The Cornish Company

700% increase in Klaviyo attributed revenue

The Cornish Company

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  • Total website revenue up 104% YoY
  • Klaviyo Attributed revenue up 700% YoY
  • Achieved 6-month email objective in first 2-months!



The Cornish Company approached us as they knew they were leaving money on the table when it came to their email channel. Without the time or expertise they partnered with Altum and their goal was simple; grow Klaviyo attributed revenue from 15% to 30% in 6-months and 50% in 12-months.

The challenge


First, we conducted a detailed Audit of their Klaviyo account using best practice and industry benchmarks to note down any gaps, areas for improvement and quick wins. We then set about building them a brand new lifecycle marketing strategy, including a flow plan, a campaign plan and a way to maximise data opportunities given that their business was heavily linked to occasions.

We quickly ramped up their campaign sending, introduced a promotional plan around key dates and designed a new brand-building monthly newsletter.

We then set about optimising existing flows and building out new flows based on the new strategy that we built.


It didn't take long for us to see some pretty impressive results on their Klaviyo channel. We're still working through our roadmap but have so far achieved;

  • 104% increase in total revenue YoY
  • 700% increase in Klaviyo attributed revenue YoY - we hit the 6-month target after just 2-months of managing the account!
  • Flow revenue up 921% YoY
  • Increased Deliverability from 74 (Fair) to 80 (Good) - implementing a sustainable method for ongoing list cleansing
Hit 6 month target in 2 months! The team is fantastic—knowledgeable, approachable, and incredibly easy to work with. Their strategic approach to email marketing is top-notch. Highly recommend to anyone looking for a reliable email marketing partner.
Tom Woodley, Managing Director
The Cornish Company